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St Barnabas CE School

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We no longer stock uniform at school. Our uniform is now stocked by:

The Uniform Shop

8 Olympic Way


You can access the website by using the link below:

Uniform Shop Wellingborough 

There is no requirement to buy cardigans, sweatshirts, polo shirts, PE shirts with the school logo on them. Items in the school colours can be purchased through the major supermarkets and stores.

Please note that we have a large amount of unwanted uniform in good condition so please contact the family support worker if you would like to have some of these items.


Suggested Uniform



Grey skirts / pinafore dresses / trousers, white polo shirts, school cardigan / sweatshirt. Flat black shoes.


Red and white checked dresses or white polo shirt and grey skirt.



Grey trousers, white polo shirt, school cardigan / sweatshirt. Flat black shoes.


Grey Shorts/trousers white polo shirt.


Children can wear their PE clothing on PE days- PE t shirt with shorts or black/dark coloured plain jogging bottoms and plimsolls/trainers. 

A school book bag is required to carry reading books etc into school each day.  These are kept in the children's drawers in the classroom so please supply a bookbag rather than a rucksack.

Please make sure all items of clothing are clearly named.


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