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Safeguarding at our School 

Everyone at St Barnabas Church of England School has a responsibility to keep children safe and to be alert at all times to their welfare and wellbeing. Any concern about a child however small is reported to our Safeguarding Team.

Staff Member Role Contact
Mrs Hull Executive Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead f.hull@stbarnabas.pdet.org.uk 
Mr Healy

Deputy Headteacher & Deputy DSL



Mrs Taylor Assitant Headteacher, SENDCo & Deputy DSL j.taylor@freemans.pdet.org.uk 
Mrs Hamilton Family Support Worker & Deputy DSL



Mrs Rae EYFS Lead & Deputy DSL s.rae@stbarnabas.pdet.org.uk 
Mrs Thomson Otter Class Teacher & Deputy DSL a.thomson@stbarnabas.pdet.org.uk
Miss Fitzsimmons Squirrel Class Teacher & Deputy DSL h.fitzsimmons@stbarnabas.pdet.org.uk

A copy of our Safeguarding Policy can be found on our Policies page

What to do if you have concerns about a child or family

Speak with one of the safeguarding leads at school.

If you are worried about a child outside of school time, you can call the local Multi Agency Support Hub for advice (anonymously if needs be) on 0300 126 7000 (option 1). Out of hours 01604 626938

If it is an emergency and you think that a child may be in immediate danger, please contact the emergency services directly by calling 999. 

What to do if you have concerns about an adult

If you are concerned about the conduct of a member of staff, you should inform the Headteacher immediately. In their absence, inform the Deputy Headteacher immediately. 

If you have concerns in relation to an adult's behaviour, contact the North Northamptonshire Designated Officer

We have a policy on Safeguarding concerns or allegations made against adults which you can find on our Policies page

Safeguarding themes and further information for parents/carers


CEOP is a command of the National Crime Agency, and is dedicated to tackling the sexual abuse and exploitation of children and young people. CEOP is here to help young people (up to age 18) who have been forced or tricked into taking part in sexual activity with anyone online or in the real world. We also offer advice and links to support in response to other online problems young people might face, such as cyberbullying or hacking. For information, advice and to report concerns directly to CEOP, visit the Safety Centre by clicking on the Click CEOP button.

CEOP Safety Centre



Talk PANTS helps children understand that their body belongs to them, and they should tell someone they trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried.



National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

NSPCC 0808 800 5000



Online Safety

Below you will find a wide range of resources to support you in keeping your child safe online. 

You can make a free account and have access to all online safety guides. They also post a new guide every week on Facebook and Twitter.

Useful Websites:






Online National Safety Posters

If you are on Twitter, please follow @NCCcybersafe. This account is run by Simon Aston, who is the Online Safety Officer for the area and is frequently sharing up to date information and also answers questions that you may have. 

If you are still unsure of where to find an appropriate resource or you require further support, please contact the online safety lead - j.healy@stbarnabas.pdet.org.uk - for more information. 


 Mental Health and Wellbeing 

Wellingborough Mental Health Support Team have been working with St Barnabas since September 2021 providing support to staff and children, both individually and as classes e.g. transition to junior school workshops in the summer term.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please email Mrs Hamilton or Miss Fitzsimmons.

Mrs Hamilton c.hamilton@stbarnabas.pdet.org.uk 
Miss Fitzsimmons h.fitzsimmons@stbarnabas.pdet.org.uk 

Managing Anxiety - Supporting you and your children

A link to a workshop video by Healthy Schools Northamptonshire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWuVD6EN5pM 

Child and Young People Mental Health 

Some helpful information and services available to support children and young people with their mental health. If you would like further support or advice, please contact Miss Fitzsimmons or Mrs Hamilton.

CYP Wellbeing Resource Pack


The role of our Family Support Worker

Our family support worker can be contacted via the school office.

Hello, my name is Claire Hamilton the Family Support Worker for St Barnabas School.

My role is to provide advice and guidance to families within the school community.  I can help with any worries or concerns in relation to your child’s behaviour, education or wellbeing and I work closely with the teaching staff and the Special Educational Needs Coordinator.

Becoming a parent or carer does not come with a manual, all children are very different with a variety of needs. Some days things can feel like they might be getting too much or you can question yourself about how to deal with your child crying over not getting what they want or refusing to eat their tea, the bedtime struggle and that morning rush to get to school on time!

We have all been there on those days and you are not alone. Asking for help or advice is the first step. It may feel like a big step but there is lots of support out there to help you. If we can’t help you directly we can signpost you in the right direction.

As a family your child might need support with eating, toileting, behaviours or break downs within your family. Each situation is individual and may require involving different outside agencies. Advice and support is confidential although concerns regarding safeguarding of children will always be dealt with in accordance with the school Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.   

We are all here to help you as a parent or carer because we want the best for everyone in our school community.

My phone is on, if you just need a friendly chat or want to talk about a worry or concern please call or leave a message with your child’s class teacher.

Looking forward to meeting you all

Claire Hamilton



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