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Pupil Premium

Children in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant will benefit from extra support in school. This can include free breakfast club, free uniform as well as subsidised trips, free milk after the age of 5 and some free after school activity.

The report below will provide information about how we intend to use our funding during the current year and what its impact was over the previous year. 

St Barnabas Pupil Premium 2024-2025

Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-24


If you think your family circumstances may mean that your child could be entitled to the grant then please see the poster below or contact the school who will be able to support you in making an application. office@stbarnabas.pdet.org.uk

Alternatively, you can contact Mrs Claire Hamilton (Family Support Worker) for more information or advice on how to apply. C.Hamilton@stbarnabas.pdet.org.uk 



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