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St Barnabas CE School

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Friends of St Barnabas School

What is it and what does it do?

It is a group of parents and staff whose ultimate aim is to raise funds for the school to enhance the children's school experience and also provide social events which are fun for both the children and parents alike. (It used to be known as the "PTA" (Parent Teacher Association)).


Does it cost me anything?

No, it doesn't have to. We want your support by way of time, energy, ideas and input.
Maybe you could volunteer your time preparing for or helping at the Christmas/Summer fetes, request raffle prizes from your employers or just serve teas and coffees at an event. Every little helps. But your donations of cakes for events are always gratefully received too!


What is the money raised used for?

The Friends have subsidised school trips and paid for the coaches for Christmas theatre trips and provided each child with a present from Santa.  They have contributed substantial amounts towards the trim trail/adventure playground and the refurbishment of the library. 


Do I have to come to loads of meetings?

We do have meetings which we hope, as a member, you will attend but we understand that not everyone can make every meeting.  There is an AGM in September when the officers are elected and new committee members may join.


Do I have to join?

No, but we hope you'll want to.  
Just register your interest at the Office and you will receive notification of the AGM in September.  At that meeting, if you feel you want to join as a committee member you will be most welcome. Oh, and we don't bite!


Who's who?

Treasurer: Claire Hawkes

Chair/Secretary:  Lindsay Cafferkey

If you require further information about FOSBS or the upcoming events, please leave your details in the office and someone will get back to you.


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